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What is The Edinburgh Clothing Store?

The Edinburgh Clothing Store (ECS) is a charity run by volunteers, offering clothing, shoes, bedding, curtains and towels for people in genuine need such as individuals and families who are on low income, or vulnerable through personal circumstances. It's a free service made possible by volunteers and donations. The ECS is run totally by volunteers and with over 1,500 people referred to the service annually, donations of money and good quality clothing, bedding and towels are greatly appreciated.
How Do People Access The ECS?
People who are in need of help from the ECS need a referral from a caring agency. To make a referral call 0131 552 1111 on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday between 10:00am to 12:30pm.For more information on how to make referrals and find us click here
Your Appointment Time Your Face Mask
Our History
The ECS was originally set up during WWII, at the request of the government, by the WVS, to provide emergency clothing and bedding for people who had lost their belongings as a result of enemy bombing.After the war, the Social Work Department asked if the service could be continued for individuals and families who had fallen on hard times. The WRVS handed the project over to Four Square in 1996.On April 1st 2008, the ECS became an independent charity and receives no public funding. The ECS is always grateful for both financial and other donations to allow this highly valued service to continue to offer help to the most vulnerable in our community.
The Edinburgh Clothing Store
Company limited by Guarantee: SC336251
Charity number: SCO39409
Registered Office: 1 Rutland Court, Edinburgh, EH3 8EY
Main address: 156 Lower Granton Road, Edinburgh, EH5 1EY
Website By: Alex Nevard - alex@nevard.net
Website feedback: Feedback form
What We Do
What is The Edinburgh Clothing Store?

The Edinburgh Clothing Store (ECS) is a charity run by volunteers, offering clothing, shoes, bedding, etc for people in genuine need such as individuals and families who are on low income, or vulnerable through personal circumstances. It's a free service and no money changes hands. This is made possible by volunteers and donations. The ECS is run totally by volunteers and with over 1,500 people referred to the service annually, donations of money and good quality clothing, bedding and towels are greatly appreciated.
How Do People Access The ECS?
People who are in need of help from the ECS need a referral from a caring agency. To make a referral call 0131 552 1111 on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday between 10:00am to 12:30pm.For more information on how to make referrals and find us click here
Your Appointment Time Your Face Mask
Our History
The ECS was originally set up during WWII, at the request of the government, by the WVS, to provide emergency clothing and bedding for people who had lost their belongings as a result of enemy bombing.After the war, the Social Work Department asked if the service could be continued for individuals and families who had fallen on hard times. The WRVS handed the project over to Four Square in 1996.On April 1st 2008, the ECS became an independent charity and receives no public funding. The ECS is always grateful for both financial and other donations to allow this highly valued service to continue to offer help to the most vulnerable in our community.
The Edinburgh Clothing Store
Company limited by Guarantee: SC336251
Charity number: SCO39409
Registered Office: 1 Rutland Court, Edinburgh, EH3 8EY
Main address: 156 Lower Granton Road, Edinburgh, EH5 1EY
Website By: Alex Nevard - alex@nevard.net
Website feedback: Feedback form